Sunday, May 2, 2010

My sunday~

Lets start this from my very early breakfast first, this is the "lazy breakfast" i made.. Its quite delicious actually~ One of it is a cheese toast & the other one is an egg toast.. Nice is'nt it?
今天就从我今早做的早餐开始吧~  这是我做的“懒人早餐”…其实味道还蛮好吃的~~一片是芝士考、另一个是蛋烤面包…很不错吧??

Something like yesterday, i hang out with my ass jerk cousin Laine today, but we are heading to QB this time =3 I snap it while waiting for Laine outsite her house, she was kind of busy in there.. & Im too bored to be waiting her just like that...>w<
和昨天一样, 和混蛋Laine出去,但今天是去QB了…=3在等Laine这个大忙人时snap咯~~我实在是等得有点闷……

Laine like to snap even Im driving... So scared that we may and up accident like Good kids never try it at home...
Laine  就连我驾车也要snap…几担心会撞车噢……哈哈哈…乖孩子可别学哦……

  Actually, Laine dated her friend whose name was Amy...but she does not come in time... Me & Laine then decided to take photo stickers at the 3rd floor~ This was 2 out of 10 of the photo.. Hard to snap it clearly...TnT

The most unbelievable parts was we have been spending 2 hours for the photo stickers...gosh!!



After that Amy said that she is on her way, so we went to Dragon-i to wait for Amy, for both of us was supreme hungry after busying snapping there...wakakaka....

Again!! While waiting for Amy & our meal, we snap again... We love to snap when we are together...unstopable!!! Gosh!

That's Laine friends, I snap it secretly..Cause she wont let us snap her actually, what to do?? We just did it secretly=3 The boy beside was her bf..So call Adrian~~

This are snaps of my new make up, looking for more natural make up~hehe...but still with my fake eye lashes...phew~